Jesus promised his disciples three things — that they would be completely fearless, absurdly happy, and in constant trouble. ― G.K. Chesterton “无畏、喜乐、不断的试炼”,我虽然不是基督徒,也觉得这样的人生该是何其丰盛的飨宴。@禾小点儿@lynda小朋友@杨基杨书亚的爸爸展开全文
#宋诗Songs# 王安石《示长安君》: 少年离别意非轻,老去相逢亦怆情。【草草杯盘供语笑,昏昏灯火话平生。】自怜湖海三年隔,又作尘沙万里行。欲问后期何日是?寄书应见雁南征。We talked, laughed over a hasty dinner, / Not without sighs overheard by the dim lamp. 古诗中写兄妹之情的似乎很少。展开全文
刷微博的冲动有所收敛,购书的欲望却是与日俱增。这不,礼拜天又上亚马逊腐败了几本相对廉价的。1. What to Listen for in Music: ¥20.00 (乐迷入门读物) ; 2. Burning Wire(燃烧的电缆) ¥13.70(此书有@无机客 兄的上佳译本)3. 100 Selected Stories by O. Henry : ¥16.00 (目前满29元免运费)。展开全文
#智慧语# 1. 生亦何喜,死亦何哀?Life does not cease to be funny when people die any more than it ceases to be serious when people laugh. -- George Bernard Shaw (1856 - 1950) 2. 言乱而理不乖。Cynicism is an unpleasant way of saying the truth. -- Lillian Hellman (1905 - 1984)展开全文