#双语铁路春运英文# 请持证、凭票进站,票、证、人不一致不得进站乘车。Please present your ticket and matching ID. You will be denied entry if your documents do not match. | @北京客运段微博@上铁上海客运段@人民铁道网 查看全文>>展开全文
#双语铁路春运资讯# 向莆铁路连接江西南昌与福建福州,新线路将赣闽两地旅行距离由过去约 11 小时缩减至约 3 小时。该线全长 632 公里。客运时速 200 km/h,货运时速 120 km/h。The Xiangtang-Putian Railway is a new link between Nanchang and Fuzhou. @南昌铁路@福建省福州火车站@江西南昌火车站 查看全文>>展开全文
#铁路英文一天一句# 刚开通的津秦高铁将京津地区第一次以高铁方式和东北接在一起。28 日之后,新的时刻表将首次加开上海—哈尔滨等高铁列车。这是本线“地铁 + 高铁”换乘图。Here's a map of the Tianjin-Qinhuangdao HSR. #双语铁路春运资讯#@人民铁道网@天津站_@高铁天津西站展开全文
#铁路英文一天一句# 前不久随着北京地铁军事博物馆站开放 1、9 号线换乘,从市区往来北京西站的旅客得到了长久以盼的“节日礼物”。今后,大家只需要在军博站换车即可抵达西站。Beijing Lines 1/9 Military Museum interchange now open! #双语铁路春运资讯#@人民铁道网@北京地铁@北京西站官方微博展开全文
#中国铁路微博行 铁路英语推广月#【实名验证】"If you are missing your document of identity, Please proceed to the Railway Police ID Services counter so that they can issue you Temporary Passenger ID" 未携带证件的旅客请到公安制证口办理临时旅客身份证明。@中国铁路@人民铁道网展开全文
#中国铁路微博行 铁路英语推广月#【青岛站】"The Qingdao Railway Station is located by Guangzhou, Feixian and Taian Roads, in Shinan District in western Qingdao" 青岛站位于青岛市市南区广州路以东,费县路以北,泰安路以西…… @DavidFeng冯琰@人民铁道网@中国铁路展开全文
#地铁英文一天一句# Due to signal faults, Line 6 trains between West Huaxia Road (Huaxia West Road) and Dongming Road are running slower. Intervals between trains are now longer. Impact of delays: 10+ minutes. Please reroute as needed. //@上海地铁世纪大道站: 转发微博展开全文
#国庆铁路双语提示# 青岛站可由泰安路的东进站口进入,或由广州路的西进站口进入。Passengers may enter Qingdao station from the East Entrance on Tai'an Road, or from the West Entrance on Guangzhou Road. @热帖关注@青岛火车站@济铁青岛客运段@动京六组展开全文
#中国铁路微博行 铁路英语推广月#【引导上车】"This train is an extra one for the holiday travel peak" 本次列车是为应对节假日客流高峰而加开的;"Please move along to allow other passengers to pass through" 请您往前走,以便让其他旅客能够通过。@DavidFeng冯琰@中国铁路@人民铁道网