Just finished a 2.49 km afternoon jog in the gym. 刚刚在健身房里完成了2.49公里下午小跑。 Baru habis lari petang 2.49 km di gimnadium. Acabo de terminar 2.49 kilómetros de trote tarde en el gimnasio.展开全文
今天中午与实里达军营的战友们共享日本料理午餐,提前庆祝我的23岁生日。期待与大家下次叙旧!Celebrated my 23rd birthday in advance today with my brothers from Seletar Camp. We had Japanese buffet for lunch. Looking forward to catching up again soon!#新加坡##美食#展开全文
Scholarships: merit or diversity? US 'G39; shutdown: abuse or flaw of democracy? Employment: citizenship or economics? NUS Tembusu College Debates Society presents THE LOBBY tonight! Speak your mind on the hottest current affairs, or hear what others have to say!#@许振义
刚刚才看到去年为华中校友会写的两篇报道已在第55期《华岭》上刊登——《三位杰出校友分享在华经商之道》《Two Hwa Chong Seniors on Identifying Risks and Opportunities in Emerging Markets》#新加坡##华侨中学#@许振义@zqchang@changzing展开全文