Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourao on Monday defended Chinese tech...全文: 🔗 网页链接 展开全文 原微博
【a late bloomer 大器晚成的人】 原意是“迟开的花”,与人大器晚成相似。 Paul was such a slow worker at first that we almost fired him, but he proved to be a late bloomer. 保罗初来时工作非常迟钝,我们几乎要开除他,但最终证实他是一个有潜力的人。展开全文
It's the rule of life that everything you have always wanted comes the very second you stop looking for it. 生活就是这样,你一直想要得到的东西,总在你不再指望的那一刻姗姗来迟。《欲望都市》 小编:所以,不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。句子中the very second是强调那一刻。展开全文
#听世界# 美国缅因州一位99岁高龄的妇女在75年后终于拿到了大学毕业证。毕业证迟迟没有拿到仅仅是因为5美元的欠费。 A 99-year-old Maine woman has graduated from college 75 years after a $5 fee kept her from getting her diploma.展开全文
【短语学习】 短语 keyed up 形容一种状态,表示激动万分的、紧张不安的。这个短语常和单词 about 连用。 例句 I'm really keyed up about the show tonight. 请注意: 短语 the key to something 意思是成就某事的关键。比如幸福的关键 key to happiness 是什么?致富的关键 key to wealth 是什么?展开全文
[国外网友评价老干妈] I loves my Angry Lady Sauce! I have no ideaif this is authentic but it just tastes "Chinese" to me. 我超爱"愤怒女士辣椒酱"(老干妈在亚马逊网站上的英文名)!我不确定它的味道是否原汁原味,但我认为这就是"中国味"!展开全文
A CAR mechanic revealed that he had predicted he would be a multi-millionaire “this time tomorrow’’ just hours before he won a 107.9 million pound lottery jackpot. 英国一名汽车维修工预言自己“明天此时”将成为百万富翁,几个小时之后,他就中了1.08亿英镑(约合2亿美元)的大奖。展开全文
(关注英语PK台微信公众号:goingforgold774,课后收取中英对照文本与节目音频)今日课堂词汇New words: Drained = Keep up with something = Fishy = In the dark = Can’t rule [something] out = Disintegrate = Link [something] with [something] else = In any case = Imperative =展开全文
MH370 is on our hearts and minds this morning. Godspeed to the search & rescue teams. All Chinese and Malaysian passengers and families are in our prayers as we monitor this difficult situation and look for the plane.展开全文 转发 5435评论 768
[疑问][疑问][疑问]//@英语PK台: New words for dialogue 2:Don’t stress it = Frame of mind =Prioritize = Can you be more specific? =Clarify = Key = Keep an eye on someone = ?????[xkl抚摸][xkl被抓]展开全文
[英语说元宵:美味汤圆怎么做?] Tangyuan is made from glutinous rice flour. You can prepare glutinous rice flour in a bowl and slowly add hot water until they mix into dough. Then you can pinch off the dough and roll them into small balls. [点评论查看中文翻译]展开全文
【每日一句】I really feel in the pink after a long holiday. 长假过后,我的确感到身体舒适。【拆拆看】 in the pink 满面红光;容光焕发 例句:Although he is 80 , he is still in the pink. 虽然他已经80岁了,但身体仍然很健康。 小编寄语:pink粉红色,in the pink就是满面红光,你记住了吗?展开全文
You had the Gold Rush in America, for home; we have the Spring Festival Travel Rush in China, also for home. 美国曾有“淘金潮”,为了成家立业;中国有“春运”,是为了举家团圆。【解读】“淘金潮”是the Gold Rush,“春运”是the Spring Festival Travel Rush,其中rush一词有“人潮”之意查看全文>>展开全文 原微博