法国朋友来广州把一本《经济学人》留给了我。有篇文章说:Putin has said that the collapse of the Soviet Union was the 20th century's greatest geopolitical catastrophe. He's armed with a self-proclaimed mission to rebuild the Russia empire & now with a pretext to intervene abroad.展开全文
Paul Theroux: It was always like a fire-drill, getting on or off a Chinese train, with people panting and pushing. They liked the crowded compartments and all the chatter. It seemed that they had no choice but to live the dullest lives... They liked smoking and slurping tea...展开全文
美国文评家Lionel Trilling在文章“Art and Neurosis”里说:We are all ill; but even a universal sickness implies an idea of health.//@钟宜霖: 全国精神病。//@钟如田: //@烹小鲜包公: 呵呵 //@徐莹-二世: @于浩宸: 打人都是临时工,杀人都是精神病 //@三胖考察团: //@新京报: 展开全文
读《政治的历史与边界》,第七章谈到hobbes的diffidence: the very fear of future aggression of others might well lead to a policy of pre-emptive strikes...想起美国dj shadow 97年的专辑《先发制人》,于是找出两张他的专辑重温一下。@Juicy_K@Petechen展开全文
The country ruled under despotism (along with dictatorship and totalitarianism) can threaten pain or death at any moment; it is like living in a madhouse.展开全文
@江烈农 江先生,请教。在读周保松老师的书《自由人的平等政治》:罗尔斯认为,一个正义社会,须满足两原则,第一原则附上原文,不好翻译:Each person is to have an equal right to the most extensive total system of equal basic liberties compatible with a similar system of liberty for all.展开全文