诚征#《瑜伽传统》#权威审校:(Georg Feuerstein: The Yoga Tradition: Its History, Literature, Philosophy and Practice)此书预定2014年3月出版,现已完成中译并由译者初校。但因其梵文词汇众多,未见汉语文献记载者不在少数,这给审校带来很多不便。望学有所专者能协助@沙金的瑜伽故事@饶秋玉展开全文
回复@ShantihiWendy: 这句话来自《薄伽梵歌》第二章第50节。通常可理解为:Yoga is skill in the performance of actions. 这个actions, 指的既是不为结果而行动,也是不执着于不行动。有智慧地行动,这就是行动的技巧。@Udgeet的潘多拉盒子展开全文
If you can nurse, nurture, love, take care, make a person grow, and from the heart, the person says "thank you", there is no more blessing than that, there is no more prayer than that, there is no more goodwill than that.——Yogi Bhajan @馬婧普拉提@陈璐鹭@水木青羽@浙大王志成展开全文 原微博