要想得到梦寐以求的好身材,你就必须以改变现有的生活方式为代价。这个代价可能会改变现有的社交活动、饮食习惯、以及其他日常生活。如果你没有坚强的意志来驱动这个改变,你很有可能会失败。要改变的话现在就开始改变!Cut the crap of any excuse and start changing now!展开全文
A dream body comes at the cost of lifestyle changes, changes that compromise your current social activities, eating habits, and daily routines. If you are not mentally prepared, you are likely to fail. So cut the crap of any excuse and start changing now!@MikeLingFitness_凌云健身展开全文
本周跟着@MikeLingFitness_凌云健身 ( very nice and professional)和@pp_jordan 练力量。第二天竟被胳膊sour醒!疼并幸福着(变态!)。师兄四个月减40磅,值得天下有所想拥有sexy body的人学习。这不需要点石成金的超能力,全是可支配的毅力。秘诀:坚持和自控力! Joint with us! 仍需减脂和塑肌!
A morning cardio workout with post-workout protein shake followed by a healthy breakfhealth is the best way kick-off my day~ For those of you who haven't got good results, you either workout too little, or eat too much~展开全文