回复@BetzGC: The fact is he has no money and no power. //@BetzGC: as I've said...SHAMELESS! everyone should be treated as equal, i don't care how much $$$ you have //@bper: 地方的官土霸王? //@于建嵘: 我就是完完全全的老百姓。展开全文
//沪港小生:她的語速偏慢,但每個字都說得很清楚、很有力 再分享一句我的採訪實錄,關於她所信奉的言論、思想自由:"Freedom of thoughts in many ways is a habit. You must learn to ask (government) question and ask why." 共勉展开全文
#Aloha夏威夷# 從未想過自己有機會和昂山素季做採訪,更沒想到這個採訪會在夏威夷實現 "It's people of China themselves who will decide in which direction they want the country to go," says Aung San Suu Kyi #記者那點事# 詳見週一出版的香港「南華早報」及SCMP.com 🔗 网页链接展开全文