Maths tells how to observe and judge logically. without it, one can hardly go far and high; however, to those who hope to remain ignorant and naive, Maths may stay away from them.展开全文
Obviously it was Zoonlion plus the police that has brought this on itself, it deserves it and should be accountable to the shareholders' loss //@徐昕: 中联重科股价继昨日大幅下挫后,今日继续下跌,市值损失惨重,股民该向谁索赔?展开全文
To make chinese dream come true that enables chinese nation to realize the great renewal of chinese nation, the importance of ENglish should intead be reinforced rather than be underestimated.展开全文
We think English is important mostly because it adds to the score in a variety of exams not because of its crucial use---few of us are aware of this point--in obtaining the unlimitted access to the English world with plenty of required info展开全文
Shanghai is ambitious to build itself into one of the key international financial centers ranked among New York, London ,and a Free Trade zone, but the crucial criterion that Shanghai must fulfill is to establish sound judiciary system展开全文
Contitutionalism is neither socialism nor capitalism , it is a system implemented according to the rule of law and constitution. //@徐昕: [猪头] //@赵晓: 左极必右 //@旁观者马勇: 说宪政是资本主义的,社会主义不能搞宪政。——这是非常利害的一着,将社会主义彻底污名化。展开全文
回复@GlobalTimes: According to the stipulation of Egyptian suspended constitution, the supreme military was entitled to intervene in politics if situations became out of control and could cause disaster to the country, therefore, what has occured to Egypt govt still largely remain展开全文
#社评# 【政变是混乱埃及的总结和新起点】A military coup took place in Egypt Thursday, and democratically elected president Mohamed Morsi was ousted. The Egyptian army has taken on the dominant role in the country's politics once again. 🔗 网页链接
there were later strikingly different fates in prc to the two who were then roughly the same in ranking when they were in the us because of the observation and judgement about the future of cpc 's government.展开全文
GDP must be translated into the tangiable benefit to the improvement of welfare of the people without adding degradement of the environment to them, if not, it is of no use, and only brings about the adverse effects展开全文
Competition or in-fighting within the party has exisited under the table for long. Now is the ripe time to put it on the table under the scrutiny of all the members. //@wyj0312: //@云端上的行走: //@裴宣手札: 支持王教授,党内若不公开竞选,还维持这种封闭性,将成历史上最大的停尸房。展开全文
回复@诗姐计划美好人生: supported by a rule of law, freedom of expression and democracy, multiparty system is bound to be the most effective. //@诗姐计划美好人生: Multi-party system, an independent legal system and free of speech will do.展开全文 原微博
Multi-party system may not be a cure-all to corruption or the other problems facing China, but has proven to be the relatively most effective system in tackling these problems, one that brings about sutainable development.展开全文 原微博
iT proves that cpc and the govt 's ideology is full of conflicts and even cannot explain itself, then how can it convince the people of its theory? At its wits end now展开全文
The apparent economic bubble is not sustainable, will burst soon , can not cover up the political crisis for long which will surface recently //@wyj0312: //@石讷shine: 俄罗斯建立了新的政治均衡,即宪政政体,中国只能以经济泡沫遮盖它的巨大政体危机。展开全文
war is the last resort to the solution of any dispute untill peaceful means have been used up and are not effective, Sino-Japan dispute should be no exception ——看到轩戢的博文《中日不能开战之我见》有感而发的评论。🔗 网页链接展开全文 原微博
If seeking justice and speaking up for the interests of the maxium interests of the majority of the chinese people is by their defintion Hanjian, we'd love to be. Obviously they have been brain-damaged展开全文
回复@海风起处: the difference in democracy between the US and PRC is :the former not only says it but does it while the later neither preaches it nor fulfills it as per the universal definition. What the latter means is the" democracy" with chinese characteristics.展开全文
Their excuse for not introducing democracy is always poor quality of Chinese people , receiving little education and lack of required ability to judge . The right approach to deal with the" poor quality" should be to enhance education to people in the regarding,but what is being展开全文
No Chinese citizen,except those who have being prepared to emigrate , would like to see his/her motherland collapse, so the posbiility for China to go thru a radical violent revolution is very low; but Chinese citizens are very clear that the nation has to go forward in the right展开全文
回复@薄去来熙: I have nothing to do with American, I am purely a chinese ,living in China, and will live untilll my death ,unlike those liars ,hypocrites who in words criticise democracy and freedom but in actuallity have alread sent their close relatvies to democracies展开全文
the dissolution of USSR,meant the end of a system of dictatorship, and the birth of new one based on democray and rule of law, now increasingly proves a blessing to the people there, even to the dictators themselves if taken a long term view and the nation as a whole.展开全文
Chinese media such as cctv,PD,XNA etc, enjoy the indeprivable freedom of exposing the social ugliness of foreign democracy but rarely do so for the people of their own //@徐昕: 央视是美国的良心媒体展开全文
Power tends to corrupt; absolute power corrupts absolutely. And that is what is happening in China. The centralized unlimited power at all levels of administration unavoidably leads to maximum corruption at all levels展开全文 原微博
If we were back to the period of culture revolution, the whole country would be in chaos, all the citizens being the infighters fighting each other according the rule of jungle.展开全文
Crossing the river by feeling the stone is an open excuse for their refusal to getting on the high way of democracy and rule of law , which has been universally proved smooth and efficient to go across. They have stayed in the river for long and feeli tirelessly the stone with no展开全文
Some people said those who have been running economic policy in China in the last 34 years have nothing to do with China's economic success. That is ridiculous! The idea a you can have the fastest growing economy in the world for 34 years against government policy is nonesense展开全文
Political parties' candidates must try best to ensure their political policies and guidelines are fully understood by the constituencies, and thereby the constituencies exercise their voting at their genunine will . To do that, political candiates are by the law allowed to spend展开全文