回复@Master-Oogway: Everybody has their own tastes. //@Master-Oogway: But some stupid men did fall for fake breasts. //@英国威尔士王曼莎: 回复@GlenMunday: Outer beauty is important but putting bags of silicone into your chest is not beautiful. 展开全文
回复@Wendy小玲: Ah Shona Sibary. I hate this woman So much. She is a complete disgrace. Representative of the stupid middle class airheads that exist in the UK. //@Wendy小玲: Of course not! Is she nuts?! @英国威尔士王曼莎展开全文
A British mother explains why she drugs her children when traveling on airplanes. 🔗 网页链接 What do you feel about the practice of drugging kids on flights? Do you drug your child?
回复@Bwiza卢旺达咖啡: I know they don't really think that. It is just a fun anecdote haha. //@Bwiza卢旺达咖啡: 事实上人们并非这样认为! //@英国威尔士王曼莎: A lot of people in China believe eating the head makes you clever //@StephonMarbury: Really?展开全文
回复@futurecreater: I have a lot of thoughts about it because I have children here and I don't want them to grow up with those kinds of pressures or have other people put these ideas into their heads.展开全文
Is anyone else watching 买房夫妻? Making money is not the key to being happy, teamwork is. When 红旗 and 贵成 were poor they worked together but when they reached their goal they fell apart and lost communication. 红旗 was obsessed with 房产, 贵成 with his business.展开全文 转发 1评论 0
Is anyone else watching 买房夫妻? Making money is not the key to being happy, teamwork is. When 红旗 and 贵成 were poor they worked together but when they reached their goal they fell apart and lost communication. 红旗 was obsessed with 房产, 贵成 with his business.展开全文 原微博
And Chinese schools love teaching kids about the real history of China post 1949. //@JohnRoss431: Nanjing massacre shows difference of Germany and Japan. Germany educates all schoolchildren in the terrible crimes of Nazis and the holocaust - this helps prevent such horrors in the 展开全文