All is imaginary—family, office, friends, the streets, all imaginary, far way or close at hand, the woman; the truth lies closest, however, is only this, that you are beating your head against the wall of a windowless and doorless cell.——Franz Kafka展开全文 原微博
前阵子从孔网上以定价3折购得的厄普代克回忆录《自我意识》(Self-Consciousness),克诺普夫出版社(Knopf)精装毛边本。前边是他儿时的照片,一副欠揍的样子;后边是1986年在捷克的签售会上,看起来不错。最喜欢那篇《与皮肤的战争》(At War with My Skin)。@竹林半闲@译林-胡乡长@舘長@林培源展开全文
#日记# 我父母在打牌;我坐得远远的,十足的陌生人;我父亲叫我一块儿来,或者至少在一边看;我找借口推脱了。(My parents were playing cards; I sat apart, a perfect stranger; My father asked me to take a hand, or at least to look on, I made some sort of excuse.)@译林-胡乡长@竹林半闲展开全文
拉什迪一再提到贝娄小说《院长的十二月》里的一个情景:考尔德听见有条狗在叫,他觉得狗的叫声是对自身生活局限的反抗。狗在说:“看在上帝份上,让天地开阔一点吧!”(For God’s sake, open the universe a little more!)@彭伦空间@竹林半闲@译林-胡乡长@湛江李开浓@林培源展开全文
译得不好。把原文附上:I'll lay me down upon this gravestone, lay my head beneath these letters RIP, and close my eyes, according to my family's old practice of falling asleep in times of trouble, and hope to awaken, renewed and joyful, into a better time.展开全文
Mr.Biswas was forty-six, and had four children. He had no money. His wife Shama had no money. On the house in Sikkim Street Mr.Biswas owed, and had been owing for four years, three thousand dollars.展开全文
Mr.Biswas was forty-six, and had four children. He had no money. His wife Shama had no money. On the house in Sikkim Street Mr.Biswas owed, and had been owing for four years, three thousand dollars.展开全文