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    //@人人英语: 【天气热的有关词汇】heat index 热指数;Celsius degree 摄氏度;heat stroke 中暑; sauna weather 桑拿天;severe heat 酷热;stiflingly hot 闷热;high temperatures 高温;scorching weather 高温天气;to escape the heat 避暑
    【天气好热!】dog days of summer 夏日炎炎 a burning hot summer 炎炎夏日 on a hot summer day 一个炎炎夏日里 burning hot weather with the sun beating down 太阳晒得火辣辣的炎热的天气 The sun is scorching hot. 骄阳似火。Scorching forces me to have a rest. 炎热迫使我休息。@美剧英语
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