【美剧经典台词】When it comes to family, we are all still children at heart. No matter how old we get, we always need a place to call home. Gossip Girl 面对家人的时候,在我们内心深处我们始终觉得自己还是孩子。不管我们年龄多大了,我们还需要一个称之为家的地方。《绯闻女孩》@美剧台词展开全文
【微博词汇】微博 microblog/Weibo;粉丝 fans/followers;互粉 mutual following;转发 repost/forward;评论 comment, to leave a comment;一条微博 a Weibo update/post;私信 private message;话题 topic;认证 verified account;热门话题 most popular topics / trending topics┃@英语天地展开全文
【美剧英语口语】①Don't talk back to your mother.不要和你妈妈顶嘴。②She39;s the picture of her mother.她长得很像她妈妈。③My mother always told me to make my bed.我老妈总是叫我整理自己的床铺。④Go ask your mother.问你妈去。⑤My mother calls the shots in my family.家里妈妈说了算。展开全文
【美剧经典台词】From now on, I'm gonna say yes - yes to love, yes to adventure, yes to life; whatever it may be, the answer's going to be yes. 从现在起,我要积极接受一切,接受爱,接受挑战,拥抱生活,不管什么事,我都会勇敢地去接受。—《生活大爆炸》 看美剧学英语〜@美剧英语展开全文
【美剧口语】①Aw, nuts! 靠,废了!②That's rough. 这太狠了。③I got the message. 我懂你的意思了。④Way to kill the mood. 真让人扫兴。⑤Hippity-hop, quick like a bunny. 赶紧的,像小兔子一样动起来。⑥Stop! I'm going to wet myself! 别说了,我快笑尿了!—《生活大爆炸》@看英美剧学英语展开全文
【美剧台词】①Nothing speaks louder than success. 成功才是硬道理。②There are dreams we must fight for. 有些梦想我们必须为之奋战。③A man should never be ashamed of ambition...Only the lack of it. 男人不该因为有野心而感到羞耻,没野心才是。——《德古拉》┃看美剧学英语〜@美剧英语展开全文
【美剧经典台词】When you play the game of thrones you win or you die. There is no middle ground. 在权力的游戏之中,你不当赢家,就只有死路一条,没有中间地带。——《权力的游戏》 看原版美剧,学地道英语,关注@美剧英语!展开全文
【看美剧必须了解的英语粗话】①Stop complaining. 别发牢骚了!②You make me sick. 你真让我恶心!③Are you insane? 你疯了吗?④Knock it off. 少来这一套!⑤Get out of my face. 从我眼前消失!⑥You piss me off. 你气死我了!更多见图。[电视机] 看原版美剧,学地道英语,关注@美剧英语!展开全文
【美剧口语小词put】①Put your hands up. 举起手来!②Let me put it this way. 这么说吧。③Stay put. 不许动。④Put it down. 把东西放下!⑤Put the word out. 让每个人知道。⑥Put on some weight 增加体重。⑦Put it on my tab. 记在我的帐上。⑧Well put! 说得好!┃看美剧学英语〜@美剧英语展开全文
【跟“脸”有关的新鲜潮词】facepalm (因绝望或尴尬等而)捂脸;celebrity look-alike 明星脸;Miss/Ms./Mr. Average 大众脸;year-zero face 岁月无痕脸,看不出实际年龄的脸;toy boy 小白脸;frozen face effect (FFE) 冻脸效应(指人“不上相”,即照片没有真人好看的现象) [电视机] @美剧英语展开全文
【美国第一夫人“米歇尔”在北大的演讲(完整版)】英文全程:🔗 网页链接 ;现场同传:🔗 网页链接 。The First Lady Mrs. Obama was Speaking Saturday at Peking University on The Importance of Studying Abroard. 演讲中英双语文本见:人人英语微信! @精彩英语演讲展开全文
We all wear masks. Everyone, every day. Sometimes we wear them so much, we forget who we really are. 我们每个人每天都戴着面具生活,有时候我们因为戴得时间太长,已经忘记自己是谁了。——《尼基塔》(Nikita)#美剧经典台词#┃看原版美剧,学地道英语 @美剧英语展开全文