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    //@奇文教你记单词: 补充:1, to make a deposit 存钱。 I‘d like to make a deposit please. 我要存钱。2,to make a withdraw or withdraw 取钱. I need to make a withdraw. 我要取钱. I want to withdraw 100 yuan. 3, account number 账号. Do you have your account number? 你账号多少?
    【去银行办事】1. I'd like to open a savings/checking account. 我想开个储蓄账户/活期存款账户。 2. I want to draw 1000 dollars from my account. 我想从账户里取1000美元。 3. I'd like to apply for a loan. 我想申请贷款。 4. I need to close my account. 我得注销我的账户。
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