#好莱坞艳照门# The photos posted below(hacked from her phone) have surfaced and spread across the internet. WARNING: the following pictures may not be suitable for younger or sensitive viewers.#Jennifer Lawrence Nude Leaked Photos#点击大图查看展开全文
【生活美食--甜品】1.dessert 甜品;2.cherry pie 樱桃派;3.apple pie 苹果派;4.pecan pie 核桃派;5.pumpkin pie 南瓜派;6.key lime pie 青柠派;7.brownie 布朗尼蛋糕; 8. chocolate lava cake 巧克力熔岩蛋糕; 9.tiramisu 提拉米苏; 10.ladyfingers 手指饼干;展开全文
有时候我们说“过去的都过去啦,我们都应该向前看”,这个该怎么表达?很简单. The past is in the past. We should move on. 是的,过去的都过去了,只要你愿意,改变可以随时开始,不要纠结那些我们改变不了的事情。Accept who you are and try your best to be the best version of yourself.展开全文
【去海边玩】1.get some sun 晒太阳;2.wear sunblock 涂防晒霜;3.get burned 晒伤;6. as red as a lobster 晒伤;例:That beach babe was as red as a lobster after sitting in the sun all day. 7. beach bum 海滩迷;5. beefcake 肌肉猛男;4. beach babe 海边大美女展开全文 原微博
【俚语系列二十三】1.on the rocks (喝酒)加冰的;I'll have a Jack and Coke on the rocks.杰克丹尼加冰。2. straight (喝酒)纯的;I can't handle straight Jack. 纯的杰克丹尼我喝不了。3.peek one's head in (简短)打个招呼;I'll peek my head in and say hi. 我就打个招呼展开全文
【俚语系列三】1. backseat driver 喜欢瞎指挥,发号施令的人;2. cry in one's beer 借酒消愁;3. dear John letter 绝交信. Laura is crying in her beer because she received a dear John letter from her boyfriend. 4. double face 两面派. How could Laura be a double face?展开全文
#八卦#1. You're such a gossip. 你是八卦王!2.talk rubbish 说废话;I think you're talking rubbish. 3.hearsay n.道听途说; It's just hearsay. 4.Rumor goes that..传说..;Rumor goes that you're seeing someone. 5.dig up some dirt 挖点八卦的;I'll try and dig up some dirt.展开全文 原微博
【上网购物】1.shop online 网上购物;2.rip off 被骗;Laura ripped me off. Laura 把我骗了。3.comment negatively 给差评;You can comment negatively if you don't like the stuff you bought online;4.browse 看;I'm just browsing. 我就看看。 5.hack information 窃取信息。展开全文
【早安-正能量】Life is full of beauty. Notice it. Notice the bumble bee, the small child, and the smiling faces. Smell the rain, and feel the wind. Live your life to the fullest potential, and fight for your dreams.展开全文
奇文带你读报纸第三弹:Barack Obama is from the government, and he is here to help:大家好,欢迎大家收看奇文带你读报纸第三弹。这篇文章选在economist网站上的一篇,关于奥巴马第二次就职... 🔗 网页链接 (使用新浪长微博工具发布 http://t.cn/zOXAaic)展开全文