“Listen,give me a kisss.”"Really?""Why not?Because we are just going to go home later.There's going to be all that tension,we've never kissed before.I'll never know when to make the right move.We'll kiss now and get it over,and then we'll go eat.OK?"——《Annie Hall》展开全文 原微博
you know what Francis said to me when he proposed ? He said,"Claire, if all you want is happines,say no .I am not gonna give you a couple of kids and count the days until retirement,I promise you freedom from that.I promise you'll never be bored."—《House of Cards 》#今日美剧#展开全文
【号外!新闻之外的新闻!】被大家戏谑了半天的央视驻阿联酋“结巴记者”冯韵娴,直播连线时,手中所拿的新鲜出炉的阿联酋半官方报纸《国民报》,当初只快速展示了半个版面,原来报纸头版大标题居然是:China warned of corruption peril(中国腐败的危险的警告)。。。[哈哈][哈哈][哈哈]展开全文