Pita方子参考了@君之 的步骤,但是方子用how to cook everything并改进。面包粉2杯,全麦粉一杯,盐2茶匙,油2tbsp,糖1/2tsp,快速酵母粉1tsp.水一杯。揉起,面要稍干。静置2小时发酵。揉去气泡,分8份,擀成圆饼。静置20分钟。烤箱搁烤盘,400F加热。放2饼烤2分,翻面2分,面稍金黄即可。@晨语呢哝展开全文
"...I've found it is the small everyday deeds of ordinary folk that keep the darkness at bay... small acts of kindness, and love." -Gandalf the Grey from J.R.R. Tolkein <the Hobbit>展开全文
#感动我的歌#大学毕业第二年的初夏,认识一个男孩,不久收到男孩的来信,写着这首歌。Though we've got to say good-bye/ For the summer/ Darling, I promise you this/ I'll send you all my love/ Everyday in a letter/ Sealed with a kiss......转发 1评论 0