"democracy is the most inefficient government." True! But it also enables a most efficient community. We live in communities and we rely on communities. And communities are more effective on influencing the government than individuals.展开全文 原微博
Serenity is a settlement. It is a compromise. It is an agreement. It's THE word.沙沙长大了。前几天小宝的一篇作文给偶看,写她coping with her brother's leaving for college.她说我最终走出来因为我意识到我害怕变化,但变化了,事情也回有起色。偶读了最后这几句觉得她长大了。长大不容易。展开全文
听了emma Thompson 的新书further tales of Peter rabbit采访。she just brought out that little tender spot we tried to hold on dearly, and now share with a lovely little heart. Sweet and beautiful moment to start a wonderful day.展开全文 原微博