... //@纳兰性急: You shanghaied me, and passed by with a smile. //@谷大白话: to force someone to do something or go somewhere: The two groups were shanghaied into signing the agreement, despite their objections. The homeless are being shanghaied off the streets in some cities. 展开全文原微博 小王子ovo
。。。。。。我很,,忧伤。。。。。黑了//@士多啤梨不是梨儿: @小王子ovo //@微盘: 知道真相的我[泪] 【传奥兰多因出柜离婚 新男友为资深男星[衰]】港媒报道,其实当奥兰多-布鲁姆证实和超模老婆米兰达离婚之际,美国就有八卦言之凿凿,他是因向米兰达坦承是同志,才导致两人离婚……据说是他最近交上了一个男友,是一位明年将有动作大片上映的资深男星,为此他甘愿放弃良好形象……🔗 网页链接 转发 11561评论 6146 原微博 小王子ovo
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