1959年6月27日夏威夷州举行了全民投票,目的是看夏威夷人是否愿意立即把夏威夷归为美国的一个州,当时的问题是:"Shall Hawaii immediately be admitted into the Union as a state?" 94%的夏威夷人同意,在1959年8月21日美国总统Eisenhower正式宣布夏威夷州成为美国的第50个州。@夏威夷旅游网张健展开全文
"A new study, published in the journal Environmental International, suggests that men who keep their cellphones in their pants may inadvertently damage their sperm, decreasing their fertility." -6/11/2014 FoxNews.com 把手机放在裤袋的男士注意了,手机可能损害精子,减低受孕可能性。展开全文 原微博
The Difference between the new and old math in America 美国新数学和旧数学的分别:My husband gave me an article, titled "What exactly was the new math?" I was so shocked when I rea...文字版>> 🔗 网页链接 (新浪长微博>> http://t.cn/zOXAaic)展开全文
“Public opinion is always more tyrannical towards those who obviously fear it than towards those who feel indifferent to it." - Bertrand Russell, Conquest of Happiness展开全文 原微博
“Give up the people or activities that don’t benefit you. If they aren’t beneficial, then they are wasteful. Time is a commodity, which no one can afford to waste.” Do I gain anything from posting to Sina micro blog?展开全文 原微博
I have a husband of a different race. I am the first and only in-law of a different race in his family. The interracial marriage has only been fully legalized since 1967 in America.展开全文
“This is what they call the American Dream,” he says. “I want to thank all the people that helped me out. I want them to see where all their efforts, blessings and kindness is going.” - Billy Ray Harris, quoted from today.com 了解故事全过程,请读🔗 网页链接展开全文
"A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one." - George R. R. Martin//@WOMEN_OF_CHINA: Mark. 开卷有益。一起读书吧!//@诗姐计划美好人生: 要了解美国社会,家庭,种族问题,青少年和公共教育,一定要读To Kill a Mockingbird。展开全文
A Greek salad was made as a meal for lunch, which contains romaine lettuces, tomato, red onion, cucumber, avocado, Feta cheese, Monterey Jack cheese, salami and Greek style extra virgin olive oil dressing.展开全文
My breakfast includes smoke Salmon on crackers with Philadelphia cheese and Mario capers, fresh strawberries, a glass of almond milk and a cup of English black tea.