The talk of three "self-assurances" is a message from the very top, a confidence-building message for the corrupt C Party officials at all levels, they regard it as a system insurance policy to protect their criminal activities.展开全文 原微博
Sex orgy and blood for sport were simply part of life in ancient Rome, as was slavery. The real Rome also shone with government, law, architecture, engineering and military.展开全文
一对在反共的英勇斗争中结成的亲密战友与同志,永垂不朽!Long live Reagon and Thatcher, a pair of anti communist comrades-in-arms, inspiration to millions under communist enslavement.展开全文
Case of an individual hate crime, it seems. Cruel as it was, this type of crime could have occurred anywhere in the world. What we've been and are still being plagued are those hate crimes provoked and committed by a tyrannical regime against its own people every day.展开全文
Inhumanity is THE hallmark of the CCP murdering millions in the name of class struggle, he might have felt somewhat guilty for all the atrocities under Mao. Unfortunately he was appointed to power by Deng, a man no less ruthless than Mao when his authority was challenged.展开全文
Just another case victim of Mao's meat-grinding machine during the Culture Revolution. 文革中儿子揭发母亲,丈夫揭发妻子,导致反革命罪被处死。毛的文革绞肉机受害者又一例。现新置领导看来仍拒绝反思,但终究涂改不了历史。 🔗 网页链接展开全文
Let a resurrected Jesus bless you all. Isn't the story more plausible, than perhaps the China dream of a communist brand, or Lei Feng to inspire you? Happy Easter展开全文 原微博
Ironically, Adolf Hitler rose to power through democratic election, Stalin and Mao took advantage of the then relax political climate of the Russian Czar and the Peking government to organize the communist Parties and fan up hatred among the population toward the authorities.展开全文
If you can't BEAR the pains of the BEAR, please mercifully leave it alone. (Below is a National Geographic wallpaper showing two bears in Russia.) @归真堂@美国国家地理
Mr. Xi (pronounced she) Jinpin is widely referred to in western newspapers as heir apparent, a bit funny yet very much to the point, a designated successor and the possible result of a horse trading bargaining by a secretive power monopoly which rules over 1.3 billion souls.展开全文