A man shot dead five people and killed a sixth, including some of his colleagues, in a rare case of gun violence in Shanghai, China. Snowden left Hong Kong for Russia. Singapore mulls legal action over smog from Indonesia fires.展开全文 原微博
今天FT的第二版的四篇新闻全是关于亚洲的,其中中国mass line movement两篇,巴以一篇,新加坡空气污染一篇。我才知道原来新加坡的空气污染是由于印尼的森林大火导致的,而着火的棕榈油种植园为一些新加坡公司所有。印尼官员回应新加坡对其的抱怨,说“不要像小孩一样制造噪音” @special0712展开全文 原微博
Moral Decay:six schoolgirls abused by their principal and a civil servant. Local police managed to cover up the scandal by saying"the girls took the initiative". There was girl in my primary school was forced to have sex with a P.E.teacher and the teacher was sentenced to 7 ys.展开全文 原微博
看了CNN的报道,这句话让我心里很堵:She would have known how slim the chances were that something like this could happen in a crowd of thousands cheering the runners on a sunny day. 另外,吕令子本科毕业于北理工,我没有搜到北理工官方对事件的表态@没心小姐要找没肺先森@轻狂_Mike展开全文 原微博
Americans do not like getting rid of heroes whom they have helped to concoct while Chinese usually take a resolute approach in mythologizing or demytologizing "heroes", a wound never healed since the Cultural Revolution.展开全文 原微博
刚才看到一个外国人说了这句话 Between 2002 and 2006 I studied Chinese full-time in mainland China, during which time I reached interpreter standard. !@zhu_zhen小猪@月光光光光光光光展开全文 原微博