港大电邮收到这么一封来自德国驻港领馆邮件,邀请参加七月在北京召开的human rights和环保问题会议,打开附件看,连environment都拼写错误。当即在德驻港领馆主页去信询问,果然是假冒,而且有“cyberattack within this email”; 领馆还称,前一周,一驻港德国记者也收到类似的信件。。。。展开全文
Joseph comment on Xi's Speech about Judicial independence: "If the leader does in fact have some radical intentions, he isn't going to mention them in speeches. The classic example was Lee Tenghui, who didn't mention he wanted make Taiwan independent until he was out of power."展开全文 原微博
"If Xi wants to take China in a radically different direction, he would be a political fool for hinting about it in a public speech. If he has political support, then make a clear announcement. If he doesn't, it's better for everyone if he just keeps his agenda secret."展开全文 原微博
“There was nothing natural about laissez- faire; free market could never have come into being merely by allowing things to take their course ... laissez-faire itself was enforced by the State.” ——Karl Polanyi展开全文 原微博