They're the cutest and coolest twins in the world!!! Jack & Finn Harries!!! They're 19 years old. AND TALL!! From Britain. @Zoe-__-@swaggggg@哇洗哇洗四妹儿展开全文
我每天的盼頭之一就是等Austin 更新他的自拍... 開住網頁版得閒就刷新下咁, 覺得自己好傻哈哈~ 我只想知道他的動向看著他成長僅此而已~ 相比起一年前那個萌孩子, 我還是喜歡現在越來越成熟的他!! @艾粒四妹儿@swaggggg@Fo_Snape and @Zoe-__- you should follow him!!展开全文
@潘文迪NicholasPoon好靚仔 hey bro!! on the left is the autograph session information on HMV and on the right is the CD cover and poster!!!! thank you and it's really nice of you!!展开全文