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    本日奇文共赏的素材源于彭博社的评论专栏,标题为《发展中国家应向美国致谢:二战后形成的基于规则的世界秩序对发展中国家具有改革和促进的意义》。截选部分典中典内容:1. For one thing, it helped create the developing world. It is no coincidence that a tidal wave of decolonization occurred after World War II, as a European-dominated system gave way to one led by an (imperfectly) anti-imperial superpower.[美国主导的世界秩序]促生发展中国家。二战后全球掀起的反殖民主义浪潮可不是凭空而来的,而是因为欧洲主导的世界体系被美国这个反对帝国主义的超级大国主导的体系替代(虽然不完美)。OS:亚非拉人民反殖民主义的努力被直接抹杀,合着美利坚才是拯救发展中国家于水火的弥赛亚?2. It also made a world in which developing countries could, well, develop. The relatively open international economy of the last eight decades owes to the dominance of the US Navy, which secures the seas, the American dollar, which lubricates global commerce, and the network of institutions and trade agreements through which Washington has fostered freer trade.美国主导的世界秩序让发展中国家得以发展。过去八十年相对开放的世界经济秩序是靠美国海军维系的,美国海军保证了海洋安全,美元促进了国际商贸往来,美国贸易机构和贸易协定促进了自由贸易。OS:过去八十年美国靠武力给世界带来多少悲剧?美元收割了多少国家的财富?停摆的WTO和各种制裁协定到底是促进国际贸易还是破坏国际秩序?现在全球都在弃美元,心里没点数吗?3. That system turbocharged the rise of China, South Korea, Singapore, Chile, and other countries; it has lifted living standards around the world. Sure, the current system is unequal. But it has created more broadly shared prosperity than any international order in history.美国主导的世界秩序促进了中国、韩国、新加坡和智利等国家的崛起,提升了世界人民的生活水平。尽管如今的秩序并不公平,但这是史上创造共同繁荣最多的秩序。OS:勤劳的中国人民请你滚粗,不要碰瓷。美国那点儿历史不配拿历史说话,几十年来的全球繁荣得益于科技发展,全球化发展和和平环境,美国请不要把功劳据为己有。4. Finally, the global south has benefitted enormously from the delegitimization of conquest. Prior to 1945, once-independent nations were regularly wiped off the map. Since 1945, lesser forms of aggression have persisted, and independent countries have sometimes been occupied for periods of time by external powers, but only one country — South Vietnam — has simply vanished due to conquest.发展中国家从美国领导的反战秩序中获益匪浅。1945年前,很多主权国家都被他国征服而消失。1945年后,侵略战争越来越少,某些国家会被境外势力占据,但只有一个国家因为征服战争而消亡,那就是越南共和国。OS:侵略战争越来越少?南斯拉夫是被谁肢解的?越南战争都能被美化成这样,作者简直是白宫顶级御用文人。美国侵略他国就是短暂占据,他国反击敌人就是侵略战争?5. First is failing to ask, “Compared to what?” Every world order has shortcomings. But is the liberal order worse than a world run by European empires? Is it worse than one dominated by China, which makes outrageous territorial claims at the expense of its neighbors, or by Russia, which is engaged in aggression and atrocity on a horrifying scale? The inequities of our world are undeniable. The inequities of others might be far worse.不妨问问自己,现行的世界秩序不好是和谁比?每种世界秩序都有其不足,但美国主导的秩序难道不如欧洲帝国领导的秩序?不比占据周边国家领土的中国领导的秩序更好?不比发动可怕侵略战争的俄罗斯领导的秩序更好?美国领导的秩序是有不足,但比其他选项都好。OS:瞎子。我已经举报了这篇文章的作者Hal Brands。一个白男有什么资格代替发展中国家人民发表如此无耻的言论,他也配做教授教书育人吗?通篇文章充斥着种族主义的恶臭,真是让我叹为观止。不过这篇稿子也算是给恨国党提供了一篇“跪舔美国”的范文,毕竟国内没什么文化的恨国党平时发疯总是发不到点子上,不如学学人家怎么做的。不过人家有白人身份加成,恨国党在人家眼里只不过是贱婢罢了。收起