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    the healthy food top 10//@人人英语: 【WHO公布的十大健康食品】①绿茶 green tea ②大蒜 garlic ③西红柿 tomato ④蓝莓 blueberry ⑤坚果 nut ⑥西兰花 broccoli ⑦燕麦 oat ⑧三文鱼 salmon ⑨菠菜 spinach ⑩红葡萄酒 red wine
    【WHO公布的十大垃圾食品】①油炸食品 fried foods ②腌制食品 pickled foods ③加工肉食品 processed meats ④饼干 biscuits ⑤汽水 soft drinks ⑥方便面和膨化食品 instant noodles and expanded foods ⑦罐头 canned foods ⑧果脯 preserved fruits ⑨冷冻甜品 frozen desserts ⑩烧烤 barbecues
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