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    //@英语口语精华: 接力:7.I'm just pointing out a reality. 我只是指出事实而已。8. That's not the point. 这不是重点。9.Please make your point.请说重点。10.There’s no point.没什么必要。11.Cut your crap. Can you get to the point? 少说废话,直接说重点。请继续补充~
    【实用的point短句】1. What's your point?你想说什么? 2. I get your point.我明白你的意思。3. It's a good point.说得好。 4. Your point is well taken.我采纳你的意见。 5. I failed to catch his point of view.我没能领会他的观点。 6.Let's get to the point.让我们直接进入重点吧。
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