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    //@OMG美语: 回复@雪瑶小吃货: I looooove hazelnut flavored ice cream!!!! //@雪瑶小吃货: Denefitely I have sweet tooth and my fave ice-cream may be the one added with hazelnut or with durian flavor But I think that I would enjoy gelato!!Hope to taste it someday!!
    白洁用Google Glass谷歌眼镜给大家介绍纽约有名的夏日冰品!! 🔗 网页链接 1) Gelato 意大利纯手工冰淇淋 2) Sweet tooth 喜好甜食 3) Brain freeze 脑袋冻住了 4) Fro-yo = Frozen Yoghurt = 酸奶冰淇淋
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