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    If life separates us, and we end up in different places. I'll always remember when I passed the line 4 this period of time. I'll b thankful 4 that. And I hope wherever u r u'll b thankful too. This is the bst bt most impossible end 4 all kinds of relationships w/o happy endings.
    FaceBook Youtube转疯视频!! 陌生人。失恋的你,请别观看。从相遇,追求,热恋,平淡,分手。有时候只是一下子的事情。有时候,一个转身就会变成陌生人。请珍惜每一次恋爱。【视频:Strangers, again 今天,再次成為陌路人】http://t.cn/zTAd6q9【微信abolove520@阿伯微博爆搞搞事专区】
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