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    开心,一位姊妹回国回来后送了我一份小礼物,今天我也带了份小礼物给她。我不知她生日,她没说,刚来信息说上帝的奇妙无处不在,谢谢我的生日礼物。in love and peace是基督徒间常用的,又和我约礼拜天的敬拜和另一活动。有时候我们的一个小举动,一个拥抱,或一个微笑就能带给自己和别人快乐。
    Dear xx, God works in wondrous ways! Thank you so much for my birthday present. How about if we meet in the courtyard at church at around 3:45 on Sunday? It was great to see you today.The next assembly date is 5/21.whichever time you can arrive is fine. In love and peace
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