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    Free books from LQ! There're even bookmarks in each of the giving-outs to Fans, read: "Learn it well." Dangdang is being naughty! Learn all the skills how to manage and torture men before becoming a queen?! Girls, just keep the good guys and leave the dudes for the other guys^^
    送书啦送书啦!本来打算买几本书送给微博的粉丝,没想到里面居然夹着“好好学习”的书签。@当当网 究竟是想怎样?要姑娘们好好学习这本书里管男人、压榨男人的技巧,然后一统天下吗?把好男人留下,把坏男人留给别的男人就对了。转发这条微博,就有机会获得我送出的新书哦。🔗 网页链接
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