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    "Well, I woke up to go get me a cold pop.Then I thought somebody was BBQing I said, “Oh, lord Jesus it’s a fire!” Then I ran out, I didn’t grab no shoes or nothing Jesus I RAN for my life. Then the smoke got me, I got bronchitis! Ain’t nobody got time for that."//@olivia小没
    【激动姐逃出火场受访Remix爆红】美国一女子Sweet Brown去年4月幸运从火灾中生还,她接受电视台采访时,情绪十分激动,用夸张表情与用词叙述惊险画面。网友把受访片段制成REMIX版,就有了这首爆红的歌曲《谁有时间管那个啊?》。太油菜了!太欢乐了~ ~~🔗 网页链接
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