Only mediocrity is safe. Be the best, and get ready to be attacked.Only mediocrity is safe. Be the best, and get ready to be attacked.#Paulo Coelho# 只有中庸才是安全的,做最好的,然后准备好被攻击吧。保罗柯艾略 图Joffley/flickr.com展开全文
When I am facing a problem, I listen to my R.A.D.I.O :Recognize;Accept;Detach;Invest; Overcome #Paulo Coelho# 遇到问题时,我就打开收音机(R.A.D.I.O):认识问题(R);接受它的存在(A);感情上与它剥离(D);为自己充电(I);最后克服问题(O)。图spinster cardigan/flickr.com展开全文
Consider each day a miracle-which indeed it is, when you consider the number of unexpected things that could happen in each second of our fragile existences. 要将每一天都视作奇迹-事实就是这样。你想一想,在我们脆弱生命中的每一秒可能发生多少出人意料的事啊。《韦罗妮卡决定去死》展开全文
It is inevitable to lose from time to time. The point is: don't get used to defeats. #Paulo Coelho# Manuscript Found in Accra 偶尔的失利是在所难免的,关键在于:不要对挫折习以为常。保罗柯艾略查看全文>>展开全文
[推特更新]We deserve all the good things that happen to us. Don't feel guilty, accept the blessings.#Paulo Coelho# 我们有资格享受一切发生在身上的好事。不用带罪恶感,接受福佑吧。保罗柯艾略展开全文
[推特更新]Don't give in to your fears. If you do, you won't be able to talk to your heart. #Paulo Coelho# 不要向你的恐惧屈服,不然你就无法与自己的心对话。保罗柯艾略 图Shandi-lee/flickr.com展开全文
[推特更新]If you live to please others, everyone will love you except yourself.#Paulo Coelho# 要是你活着就是为了取悦他人,那么所有人都会爱你,除了你自己。保罗柯艾略 图nuddaladden/flicikr.com展开全文
[推特更新]Anyone who has lost something they thought was theirs forever finally comes to realize that nothing really belongs to them.#Paulo Coelho# 那些认为自己失去了私有之物的人最终会意识到世上没有什么东西真正属于他们。保罗柯艾略 photo:d-3/flickr.com展开全文
[书摘] Outside, beyond right and wrong,there exists a vast field. We will find each other there. #Paulo Coelho# 外面,在超越了对与错的地方,有一片浩瀚的大地。我们将在那里找到彼此。保罗柯艾略 图Jacqueline展开全文
We are afraid to change because we think that, after much effort and sacrifice, we know our present world. 我们害怕改变。因为我们会认为,在做出无数努力和牺牲后,自己对现在的世界已了如指掌。图joyoflife/flickr.com展开全文
[书摘] The warrior of light knows that no one is stupid and that life teaches everyone - however long that may take. #Paulo Coelho# 光明战士知道:世上无愚人,生活会教会每一个人,不管那需要多长时间。《光明战士手册》 保罗柯艾略 图:Sylvain_Latouche 征文:🔗 网页链接展开全文
[推特更新] Dream and don't ask too many questions, or fear will overcome your feelings.#Paulo Coelho# 做梦时别带太多疑问,否则恐惧就会占据你的心头。保罗柯艾略 图stuant63/flickr.com展开全文
[推特更新] To love is great. To be loved is wonderful. But to be loved by the person we love is heaven on earth.#Paulo Coelho# 去爱是伟大的,被爱是幸福的,如果能被自己爱的人爱着,那便是身处人间天堂。保罗柯艾略 图'PixelPlacebo'/flcikr.com展开全文
[书摘]Listen to what the child in your heart says. Don't be ashamed of it. Let it take over a little of your life, for it knows that every day is different. 聆听心中那孩子的声音,不要为此感到羞愧。让他拥有一点你的生活,因为他懂得,每天都是崭新的。《我坐在琵卓河畔,哭泣》展开全文
[推特更新]We can't be in the present asking to our past: "why?" This is not a very useful question. #Paulo Coelho# 我们不能身处当下却质问过去:“为什么?” 这可不是一个很有用的问题。保罗柯艾略 图linh.ngan/flickr.com展开全文
[推特更新] Stop worrying so much. Worry will not strip tomorrow of its burdens, it will strip today of its joy.#Paulo Coelho# 不要太过忧虑。担心太多不会减轻明天的负荷,只会剥夺今日的快乐。保罗柯艾略展开全文
[书摘] Dreaming is very pleasant as long as you are not forced to put your dreams into practice..只要你不被逼着去实现梦想,做着梦再惬意不过了。只要那样,我们就可以避开所有的艰难险阻和挫败。当我们步入暮年,也总还可以因梦想破灭而责怪他人——最合适的对象就是我们的父母,配偶或子女。展开全文
[推特更新]I've been defeated so many times that I learned a very important thing: DEFEATS DON'T KILL.#Paulo Coelho# 我不知被打败过多少次了,因此我学到了很重要的一课:挫败不会要了你的命。保罗柯艾略展开全文
[推特更新]In order to have faith in our own path, we don't need to prove that someone else's path is wrong. #Paulo Coelho# 就算是为了肯定自己的路,我们也不必证明别人的路就是错的。保罗柯艾略 图h_k_d/Flickr.com展开全文