昨天看了一下那个网页,给人感觉有种故意从阶层上对立两人但多少又有殊途同归的味道。推//@shaaaronlin: 让我快忙完吧! //@谷大白话: 点不开种子的戳这里→ 🔗 网页链接 里面还打包了Bill O'Reilly原著《Killing Kennedy: The End of Camelot》的电子书(epub/mobi)展开全文
space, the final frontier. however the theroy only works when humanbeings are not copying each other. //@菁-菁Charlotte: //@Lexxxxxx: 赞最右//@拔丝桃子_: //@阿君给爹攒退休钱: //@S盖同学威武且有些英俊: 在这个问题上还心存那种可笑意见的人,直接拖进人生黑名单就好了,和其争论会拉低智商展开全文
So hard we need to fight for our life, so fast we need to run for chasing our happiness, so little we can achieve by doing so. Screw the world I want, however not big enough my cock is. Darkness we are walking through, still, dawn we expect later.展开全文 原微博