It's a very very hot meeting I39;d never met before, even we canceled our Table Topic Evaluation session, we still spent more than 15 minutes. Table topic is not just a talk, it's a show. We had more then 10 guests! Wonderful! cheers!展开全文
May 20th iGrow will have 2 P2 from @寸丰水 and Han Guang, 1 P6 from Tetra club and 1 P10 speech by @瑞瑞恩.@Rock_nxl will be GE with concise right-to the-point summary. @史丘 from GTD club will deliver sharing with sufficient interaction with andience.展开全文 原微博
Next Monday, Jan, 14th, 138th meeting will have Han Guang's p1, Wenny zhuang P3,Julie Hu P5,Jason Jiang P5, we'll try collective evaluation. Han Guang will be grammarian. 若有变动,请联系@Rock_nxl@MissCDJ 。欢迎报名做TME, GE, timer, Ahh counter, IE, Table Topic Master.展开全文 原微博
12月17日iGrow regular meeting前瞻:主题: apple v.s. android; FBI主席Celine as GE;@MingHaur陈明豪 will present his A27 speech; IE为IBM主席@Colinpro 更有native speaker到场指点江山...高手云集,周一劳累一天,你值得拥有,iGrow regular meeting #136, venue fee FOR FREE!展开全文