【《斯大林格勒》明起全国上映】《斯大林格勒》首映式昨晚在北京卢米埃影城举行。俄罗斯影史上首部IMAX 3D战争巨制,美俄顶级团队耗资3000万美元拍摄。导演费多尔•邦达尔丘克希望通过此片,唤醒即将被俄罗斯年轻人遗忘的二战历史。你,会去看吗?
"As surprising as it sounds, this is true: the director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, and the leader of the hunt for bin Laden, really has converted to Islam. His conversion to Islam came after he married a Muslim woman." wtf~
Zero Dark Thirty: An impressive kill/capture action. Nicely done, SEAL Team, that's one for the books.
Zero Dark Thirty: An impressive kill/capture action. Nicely done, SEAL Team, that's one for the books.
Opera //@AlphaJ: ff从2.x用到2位数版本号因为屡次假死换chrome到现在顺手的狠。手机偶尔Saf与op看心情,ie是被迫丢不掉 //@livemoon_deadsun: opera