To the kid who stole my ideas and announced to the world. You have not one single fucking idea in your head that's not yours. Including all the shit you stole from my laptop and claim that its yours.展开全文
I got to where I am building my name, fame on my own abilities. I'm confident even though I may get there slower by myself, I'll eventually get there. I just don't like someone who has achieved nothing, invested nothing into my business and use my name to take a piece of my pie.展开全文 原微博
If you think your life is tough or working in a shit job in a comfy office with steady pay isn't great? Look at this dude and think twice. You are living in paradise and don't even know or appreciate it. I wanna get this guy a beer and cigarettes.展开全文
Uratz Studios is looking for Moldmakers and Fiberglass casters. Minimal experience required but most important willing to learn and have interest on making Props! Contact me for more details. You get free lunch everyday and we will pay!展开全文
Based on a new study, hot temperatures tend to drive people temper crazy. Scientists like me recommend looking at this picture when you want to rip someone's head off or wanting to destroy property. Print it out and post in your cubicle.展开全文
Today i found a stray cat got run over & brought him to the pet hospital.His wounds are more than 1 day old and starting to rot & smell.I decided to euthanize him and hope he reincarnate as a new animal next year. Good bye little buddy i will miss seeing you in my compound.展开全文
Technology is a fucking lie. They told me with each upgrade it would work faster and better. Instead its slower, malfunctions and crashes. The worse is I have to wait for another update to fix it. Fucking Bullshit!展开全文 原微博