请教@Araby阿拉比@JohnnyTong假装是学者 East-West Center Washington这个组织的出版物可以一看么?我想耙一些跟疆/藏有关的文章,找到他们Policy Studies出的这篇🔗 网页链接 这位IU的欧亚学者Gardner Bovingdon是专门研究新疆的,打算找他的The Uyghurs: Strangers in Their Own Land瞅瞅展开全文
Robert J Sawyer的The terminal experiement写到强大脑电波扫描仪,捕捉人死之际大脑最后一个活动,以及胚胎发育到特定阶段的大脑第一个活动,无可避免被解读为灵魂的降临。想起我家教授曾在无限猴子笼里津津有味的讨论如何界定草莓的死亡——将死未死、似死犹生、死与不死之间的、薛定锷的草莓。展开全文
Hendrik Hertzberg作为老左,给扭腰客写的这篇最新时评虽然一开始要告诉大家 NSA监控你Don't Panic,还是给出了(我认为)正确的评论。国内媒体就别居心不叵测的搜集美媒反对斯诺登的言论、忙着揭批美帝虚伪了,装得好像不知道不是哪国的媒体都有党妈统一口径一样🔗 网页链接展开全文
"Barack Obama, interestingly, said in his statement that she had "broken the glass ceiling for other women". Only in the sense that all the women beneath her were blinded by falling shards. She is an icon of individualism, not of feminism."--同意。对职业女性比FB COO还要没参考价值展开全文
"I know from my own indulgence in selfish behaviour that it's much easier to get what you want if you remove from consideration the effect your actions will have on others."--卫报上Russell Brand写撒切尔的文章。展开全文 转发 1评论 0
"I know from my own indulgence in selfish behaviour that it's much easier to get what you want if you remove from consideration the effect your actions will have on others."--卫报上Russell Brand写撒切尔的文章。展开全文 原微博