【《哆啦A梦》40年来首登3D银幕】日本超人气动漫作品《哆啦a梦》动画化40年将首次推出3D电影版!电影由CG和3D映像结合制成,名为《STAND BY MY 哆啦a梦》,将作为原作者藤子·F·不二雄80周年生辰纪念作品于明年夏季上映。预告片:🔗 网页链接 详情:🔗 网页链接 [可怜]蓝胖子都40岁啦
//@淡蓝网微博: When Bean Boi and the Gay Pirate arrive in Beijing the first thing on their mind is finding the gay bar. Their quest takes them across the city from Tianamen square to the temple of heaven, old hutongs, and the Sanlitun nightlife district, swaggering and dancing as展开全文