回复@VOA英语频道 : Don't be cocky for no reasons man. Just relax. Followers doesn't mean anything. Don't be vain like a girl. #新闻连连看# 【世界上最遥远的距离】①2013年9月,杀死城管的沈阳小贩夏俊峰被核准死刑。②2013年6月,贵州民警枪杀2名村民案获刑8年。③2011年11月,辽阳市城管打死人案,主犯获刑11年,两从犯获刑3年。④2008年11月,湖北天门城管打死拍照男子,被判有期徒刑6年。🔗 网页链接 I believe that I'm able to light a candle in darknessEverything will be fine Surprise!!another Marsha is found! Xiao Dai Dai is a very good photographer:) but unfortunately I'm so sick today. my qq is stolen again! the first time they wanna get allowance which is 3000 bucks from my parents!!!and this time turn to my friends,they borrowed money for purchasing games cards or wotever from my friends??!!there is no internet security protection in China!!@腾讯公司 展开全文 @Only1-M ,你的号被盗了.......告诉你朋友不要上当啊.... @南京市公安局白下分局 这个人盗用我朋友的QQ进行诈骗.... 朋友在国外,而且我知道她是不会玩这个二逼的游戏的 ...现在骗子还在线上....小白 小白 把这个骗子抓起来 请他喝咖啡去Perfect one, uve got a nice body that is as hot as mine mate Very late lunch:home cooking fried chicken wings and drum legs, steamed mushroom and baby bok choy, Chinese soup, beautiful ChardonnayYUM! P'tor bought me and Amy Davidoff :)))best boss EVA!! 回复@文晋元James : I'm telling the truth. Don't be shy lol //@文晋元James : Omg lol //@Only1-M : 63 yrs old is not a big deal if her vagina is still"juicy" 展开全文 【63岁女设计师与27岁花滑冠军相恋】刚宣布结束23年婚姻的美国著名华裔设计师王薇薇,与27岁花样滑冰冠军雷萨切克传出恋情,曾是花滑运动员的王薇薇整整比雷萨切克大36岁!据悉,雷萨切克上月已搬入王薇薇在比弗利山庄的豪宅。63岁!那27岁男子还风度翩翩……详情:🔗 网页链接