是啊有时候真的发现心里还是会empty,生活也还是stable,自己笑的好累。但还是要坚信着:god know we are only human beings , so he promise we can left all problems to him and he will finish all jobs~I m always here for u, my dear sis~ 展开全文"You're just a human-being. " 是的连上帝都不期望我perfect,我为何老爱为难自己。@Nikii_踮脚张望的时光 我突然想起在我的farewell趴上你说,She just always looks happy, but I know sometimes she is tired and she got her own troubles...想起你说过的这话,现在都还很感动。 展开全文转发 1评论 0 原微博