寧願做個傻瓜,相信有奇蹟存在,也不願放棄希望活著。前者並非無知,只是選擇相信;後者亦非無心,卻是選擇放棄。Why give up when you are still alive? The last thing you should waste is life. You will regret is when you no longer have one to call your own.展开全文
Black Mirror S2 continues its trademark imaginative social commentary. Compared to S1's "louder" episodes, this season had a stronger sense of despair and hopelessness, which really added to the overall topics of loss, punishment and political sincerity. Overall, recommended.展开全文
Black Mirror S2 continues its trademark imaginative social commentary. Compared to S1's "louder" episodes, this season had a stronger sense of despair and hopelessness, which really added to the overall topics of loss, punishment and political sincerity. Overall, recommended.展开全文