PetroChina may emerge stronger from probe into corruption中文网: Laban Yu说:“透明度很差,信息披露糟糕,账目也对不上。中石油本该更赚钱。”然而,Laban Yu表示,这对中石油来说倒不是利空,反而凸显了该公司的真实潜力。展开全文
Radical Margaret Thatcher showed the power of character 🔗 网页链接 //@FT中文网: 英国一传统:出产墙内开花墙外香的领导人。政坛巨人邱吉尔二战后北选民赶下台;在国际上呼风唤雨的布莱尔却被不少选民视作哈巴狗。铁娘子也是。与英国国内相比,她在华盛顿——有北京——享受更高声望。展开全文
//@FT中文网商学院: ···the debates in Europe or the US are dominated by a broad mainstream acceptance of certain basic principles about democracy, capitalism and the international order.By contrast, Chinese intellectuals are still arguing about really fundamental is展开全文
Stand-off in Chinese village over land grab: A tense stand-off in Shangpu village continued on Monday as villagers called for elections to replace the party chief accused of collusion with a local businessman in an alleged land grab of communal farmland. 🔗 网页链接展开全文
英式英语vs美式英语Rather than getting rid of differences between UK and US English, some want to keep transatlantic intruders out. Prince Charles called US English “very corrupting”. He said Americans “invent all sorts of nouns and verbs and make words that shouldn’t be”.展开全文
The new leadership will be unveiled in next 10 days but Mr Wang, who had been thought of as a contender to be promoted, may have been hurt by the concessions his government made to Wukan’s villagers and in past few months he has been forced to tread softly.🔗 网页链接展开全文
#Youth of the ice age#The secure lifestyle of Japan’s salarymen started to vanish when the economy ‘froze’ in the 1990s. But a new generation is rising: entrepreneurial, wanting to think for themselves – but struggling for independence. David Pilling 🔗 网页链接展开全文
He adds: “I can say that never did I guess the nightmare that unfolded, and that too is part of the responsibility.” “I can’t say sorry in words; I can only hope to redeem something from the tragedy of death, in the actions of a life, my life, that continues still,”展开全文 原微博