路过的顺便看看这篇文章:Ikea is the Disney World of China,[嘻嘻]http://t.cn/zRxyRfZ谷大白话: 【图片看不太清】Gawker那句是"The world can only hope that these two totalitarian powers somehow destroy one another." 原文→ 🔗 网页链接展开全文
#看新闻学英语##星巴克事件#[抨击/被抨击的不同表达]【华尔街日报】be criticized;【路透社】be under fire;【CNN】be in hot water;【时代周刊】roast;【Gawker】take on;【纽约邮报】slam;【商业内幕】launch attack against。(商业内幕的报道中大V何润东中枪,Gawker文章最后一句大亮)展开全文
In the game today, SA played with teamwork, tactics execution and experience, OKC played with talent, energy and concentration. The score is SA 69:77 OKC now, what do you think the final one? @鄺文傑大衰哥展开全文 原微博