Thorin: “You! What were you doing? You nearly got yourself killed! Did I not say that you would be a burden? That you would not survive in the wild and that you had no place amongst us" 。。。"I’ve never been so wrong in all my life!”这里最感动有木有展开全文
#xtina32# 7年前无意间听到的那首Pero Me Acuerdo de Tí 便让我无法自拔的爱上你 7年间你经历了过山车似的人生 但请你记住 我们会一直陪伴你走过人生的起起伏伏 会一起走过一个又一个七年 就算有一天你再也唱不动了我们也会陪你一起回忆从前的点点滴滴 所以 请你继续做你喜欢音乐 过你自己想要的人生展开全文