#BP零距离#【The BP brand】Since‘BP’petrol first went on sale in Britain in the 1920s, the brand has grown to become recognised worldwide for quality gasoline, transport fuels, chemicals and alternative sources of energy such as wind and biofuels.查看全文>>展开全文
#BP零距离# China is one of the largest automotive lubricants market in the world. Castrol Brand has established global strategy partnership with Ford (PAG), VW Group, BMW and the business are also carried forward in China via our B2B team.展开全文
#深夜电影#飞机失事改变原本平淡生活,查克被困在了荒岛上,成为了现代版的鲁滨逊,在与大自然搏斗的过程中,查克得到前所未有的人生感悟。最终查克历尽劫波之后回到故土,面对已嫁为人妻的女友,查克又将何去何从呢?Somehow I had to keep breathing even though there was no reason to hope.展开全文
#电影#Billy Elliot《舞动人生》是英国知名度最高及最具影响力的电影之一,由著名导演史蒂芬·戴德利执导。影片讲述了英国底层矿工家庭的少年,因偶然机会接触并爱上芭蕾舞蹈。面对家人的反对,比利毅然在家庭的责任和实现自己理想的矛盾之中选择了后者。 You got a dream,you gotta protect it!展开全文