"I can see the storm approaching. Like all storms, it brings destruction, but, at the same time, it soaks the fields, and the wisdom of the heavens falls with the rain." -Paulo Coelho, The Witch of Portobello.展开全文 原微博
在Osho那里最后两天,Sting也来了…然而多少人和他擦身而过,或者最多望多两眼,他的出现一点没有打破宁静,这也许是他选择去那里灵修的原因。Well I aint no big fan of him, so when I stared at him I was guessing must be a Russian…only now a Dutch friend told me on facebook it was him.展开全文 原微博
回复 @ChAosJCC: 我也是怀着对soulmate的信念才走到今天的!! 不过creepy说的是那图 //@ChAosJCC: I still believe in 'soul mate' and 'perfect match', if 2 people are a perfect match, 所有的牺牲和接受都是浮云! //@雁姑姑: 一大早的看到太creepy啦!!!!!! 特别昨晚一夜的怪梦!!!展开全文