I can't read it.//@韩庚: Thanks for a nice evening.I am really looking forward to #The Great Gatsby#.When it comes to Transformers directed by your friend Michael Bay, I believe I won't be flung sky-high by the explosion.Take good care,hope you have a wonderful tim展开全文
【老外发短信时常用的英文缩写】 OIC--Oh I see(我明白了); BRB--Be right back(马上回来); BFN--Bye for now(再见);LOL--Laughing out loud(大笑); ASAP --As soon as possible(尽快);JK--Just kidding(仅仅是玩笑); TTYL --Talk to you later。。。~~想轻松记单词关注@疯狂记忆单词展开全文