【Selena's Closet】1: Zara Punk Design T-Shirt ($26), 2: Free People Golden Moments Tunic ($168), 3: Free People Geo Fringe Hooded Cardigan ($168), 4: Topshop Pink Velvet Zip Back Tee. 沒有寫價錢的代表已售罄, 購買連接因為字數限制放不下, 大家請自行用商品名稱谷歌搜尋.展开全文
Selena更新臉書推特: StarsDance 18 shows left!! Love all the support I am seeing at the shows for SlowDown! 巡演側拍的視頻剪輯成精簡的不到一分鐘的Slow Down巡演版視頻, 目不暇給秒秒精彩, 大家最好奇的閉幕倒下台的瞬間也呈現了, 期待更多花絮視頻! 🔗 网页链接展开全文
"I would love the chance to grow and CHANGE with you. If you give me that chance, I will be forever grateful. Thank you." 2009-2013, I'm always here. (原創圖片, 請勿重新上傳, 請勿轉出微博, 只供個人欣賞及收藏之用)展开全文
【音乐·星闻】热点:#Selena Gomez#和英国男团Union J的George Shelley筹划着他们的第一次约会!约会地点将在Selena的Star Dance某个巡演地。George高调示爱!他对Selena说:If you're ready, come and get it!总之,George是阳光小帅哥一枚。恭喜Selena,希望这次是真爱! 🔗 网页链接
被問到最想和哪位拉丁女歌手合唱, Selena二話不說選了與Demi一起擔任X-Factor評委的Paulina Rubio, 她說"I think she’s beautiful. She has a beautiful tone in her voice and her songs are fun." 圖為Paulina與Demi, 讓我們來聽聽Paulina的Algo de Ti感受一下吧 🔗 网页链接展开全文