"For those who met the requirements of work and study, a red flag was displayed in front of te houses;...Former landlords,rich peasants, and other politically disavantaged people..their houses were marked by white flags,the color of death..."原來幼兒園的獎勵小紅旗也有歷史可循。展开全文 原微博
美國人自己都忘記了曾經在New Deal時期,有過"...the effect of its reforms was to promote 'the extrication of government from control by political parties'"的不被政黨左右的舉措。(retrieved from Fairness and Freedom )展开全文
"The tribal casinos of Indians in the United States center on an idea of justice through entrepreneurial liberty-a diifficult concept, but one with deep historical roots in America."這是我第一次瞭解到原來Las Vegas和Atlantic的賭場"empty paleface pockets",原來是爭取公平的途徑之一。展开全文 原微博
【Life in Sydney】學習大事18:|Sydeny Ideas|Chen Guangchen是中國civil rights activist.而他主要是談到他在嘗試採訪Chen的過程中,就錄下了"robbers" hired by authority,who "professionally" blocked him.相似的,他還提到在T.ibet事件中,從成都飛往T的過程被security police“護送”的經歷。展开全文 原微博